Router os 7
Router os 7

router os 7

The more complicated language like ‘subsumes’ is gone and only one filter rule is required to use the filter in the routing process – the ‘select-rule’ syntax is gone. If the current filter documentation represents the newer style, there are several differences in the format. MikroTik – RouterOSv7 first look – Dynamic routing with IPv6 and OSPFv3/BGP – I wrote an article in late 2020 on IPv6 with BGP/OSPF using beta2 and captured a few screenshots that aren’t in the online docs anymore. The original v7 routing filters were very complicated to work with and had esoteric terms for operations like ‘subsumes’ and required ‘rule’ and ‘select-rule’ config to actually reference the filter in the routing process.

  • Routing protocols like OSPF and BGP have been unstable in beta1 through beta6 and need some work to stabilize them.
  • Routing filters need to be rewritten to simplify the syntax and operation – there were a lot of complaints with the original syntax.
  • MikroTik recently added a detailed update on where the development roadmap is at and what the challenges are: If you’ve been around MikroTik for a while, then you know that version 7 has been in the works for a long time to add new functionality and address limitations of the older Linux kernel in ROSv6. What’s holding up v7 from being released? It’s worth repeating MikroTik’s warning about using this on any platform other than the Chateau v7 launch date – MikroTik ROSv7.0.3 Stable Download (!!! Chateau Only – will brick other hardware !!!) The Chateau 5G router originally shipped with a beta version of ROSv7 but was quietly moved to a stable version that’s developed specifically for that platform.īecause of the way MikroTik’s code repo works, this version can’t easily be added to the main download page and support provides the software: !! Spoiler Alert – There is *already* a stable release of ROSv7 – v7.0.3!!

    router os 7

    Technically, it already has been for one hardware platform…

    router os 7

    If you don’t already use it, the MIkroTik v7 BETA forum () is a fantastic source of information

    Router os 7